Student Success Coach
The purpose of the Student Success Coach program is to significantly increase the number of underserved students who enter and remain in postsecondary education, as well as increase the knowledge of and participation in Career & Technical Education. By implementing the Success Coach Model, we plan to achieve the following goals:
Empower students to make educated decisions about their career and educational plans post-high school graduation.
Improve the effectiveness of postsecondary advice given to high school students (grades 9-12) and their families.
Provide high school students with information about career opportunities in Alabama and the level of education and skills required to be successful in various career fields.
Encourage individuals to learn about, prepare for, and finance a postsecondary education.
Our goal with the Success Coach program is to reach more individuals in need of career planning services. Through collaboration with secondary education, workforce, and economic development, the Success Coach will CONNECT with students who have little or no postsecondary career goals. This collaboration can prove to be a powerful force for the state’s efforts to develop a highly skilled workforce.
Success Coaches will target high school students most in need of college and career planning services. The primary focus of the program is to work with free and/or reduced lunch students and/or those who would be first-generation college students. With the assistance of school administration, counselors, and faculty, Success Coaches will identify students for services while they are in middle and high school and encourage them to aspire to postsecondary education as a means to a career that will afford economic self-sufficiency.
Student Success
1st Floor
S.C. O’Neil Library and Technology Center
3421 Meridian St. N, Huntsville, AL 353801